Personal Financial Health Report
We use patented financial analysis tools to identify your current financial health. We will identify your financial strengths as well as the areas needing attention. This data will help you map out and prioritize your next steps as we look at various scenarios and possibilities.
Financial Independence Number (FIN)
We help you discover your FIN...the number that YOU determine is right for YOUR family and future. It's hard to hit a target if you don't know what it is...and most of us don't know how much we will actually need in retirement in order for us to live the life we desire and deserve.
One-on-One Training and Mentoring
We don't just teach you how God wants you to manage all of the assets and resources He has entrusted to you, but we also walk with you on this journey to encourage and guide you as necessary. We provide encouragement to help you stay focused on YOUR goals and dreams.
Guidance to Saving and Investing
First we help you discover money you didn't realize you had, and then present a number of different approaches you can take to investing the smart way. We help tailor a strategy for getting out of debt and putting your money to work for you. We can even introduce you to new income producing opportunities.
Financial Services Opportunity
Most of us feel trapped in a "job" that may pay the bills, but leaves us feeling less than challenged or content. Upon request, we can introduce you to a way you can help other people while also helping your own family. Click the button above to learn more about this opportunity.